Check out our first newsletter for 2021! It’s jam packed with all the new and exciting features you can expect from Simply Law Jobs in the next 18 months.
How to monitor and manage your job adverts all in one place
Next in our series of guides to the new and improved features of your Recruiter account, we’ll be showing you around the Jobs Area. You can access your Jobs Area via the main navigation menu on the left hand side of your dashboard; this is where you’ll be able to...
Mental health in the workplace: 4 ways to take it seriously in 2021
It’s difficult to gauge the extent to which action on mental health in the workplace has followed discussion of its significance in recent years. The latter, at least, is inarguable. The need to approach workers with broad empathy (treating them as precious assets...
Why it’s so important to keep your company information up to date
In the latest of our guides to getting the best out of your Recruiter account, we’ll be looking at how you can update your key company information and manage your account’s users, as well as where to go to find answers to any questions you may have. About your...